Our best boy Benji

Created by Eileen one month ago

Benji joined our family after his first owner imigrated to South Africa. We had our lovely wee yorkie Benji for 12 years. Me and my daughter went to her house as his owner approached the blue cross and kept him at home until potential owners cane to see him. She said that the way he responded to me and my daughter she knew he had chose us and what a blessing he was, the love of me my son, daughter and husband’s life. 
Some of his favourite things were sunbathing in the garden with us. A trip to pets at home to watch the rabbits.

He loved running around in circles chasing him and throwing his toys.
There are so many precious times with him, he lit up a room, he was very loved and gave so much unconditional live back. He was loved by extended family and neighbours  too.

To our best friend we love you always, you have gone but you are not forgotten and your spirit lives on.
we love you. Xxxx
